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深圳市2023年初中学业水平考试英语说明:1、答题前,请将姓名、考生号、考点、考场号和座位号用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写在答题卡指定的位置上,并将条形码粘贴好。2.全卷共6页.考试时间70分钟,满分75分。3.作答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目答案标号的信息点框涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。作答非选择题时,用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将答案写在答题卡指定区域内。写在本试卷或草稿纸上的答案一律无效。4.考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 选择题(共50分)I完形填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1分)On April 26, 2023, Dillon Reeves from a middle school in Michigan was riding home on the school bus with his classmates. However, something 1 happened-the driver suddenly passed out. The bus started to get out of control. Dillon looked around and saw his fellow students crying out in 2 . He realized they were heading to a very 3 place where lots of cars met.The bus swayed (摇摆) from side to side. Dillon got up from his seat 4 and rushed to the front. He had to do something before their bus hit the cars. Though he was frightened, he 5 the steering wheel (方向盘) to keep the bus from getting on the wrong way to avoid an accident. Dillon was feeling nervous, but he wouldn't6In the end, Dillon managed to press down hard on the brake (刹车) to7 the bus and saved everyone on board. The bus driver was taken to hospital immediately to receive medical treatment.People at the scene were amazed by Dillon's8 and quick thinking. They were very proud of him, describing him as a 9 . "Dillon made all the difference and showed the very best of our students," said the school head Robert. He believed that Dillon's brave action would 10 others to follow his example.1.A.natural B.practicalC.stupidD.terrible2.A.joyB. peaceC.fearD. anger3.A. busy B. safe C. clean D.warm4.A.gently B.quicklyC. politelyD.cheerfully5.A.watchedB. showedC.leftD.held6.A. set offB. give upC. get along D. break in7.A. stop B. push C.catch D. repair8.A. patience B. honestyC.braveryD.confidence9.A.hero B.doctor C.teacherD. passenger10.A.warnB.forceC. requireD.encourageII阅读理解(40分)第一节 阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题,每小题1.5分)AMatt and his mum lived in the country next to a huge forest. There were trees and birds everywhere.They went walking in the forest every weekend. They looked for birds, found feathers and picked berries. Matt thought he lived in the best place in the whole world,But, at the start of spring, everything changed. His family moved to the city as his mum found a new job. There was no forest in the neighbourhood, and that made Matt sad.Mrs Potter, Matt's new neighbour, was an old lady who lived alone. One day, Matt saw her carrying a pot into the building. It seemed a bit heavy, so Matt helped carry it to her home.Once Mrs. Potter opened the door, Matt was amazed at the view in front of him. It was a forest, but it wasn't like any forest he had seen before. There were many trees-real ones. But each one was in a pot. They were everywhere in the room. Matt felt as if he was in a fairy land."I see you like my indoor forest,”said Mrs. Potter. "They are beautiful,"said Matt"Would you like to take some trees home Thank you so much for helping me today," said Mrs. Potter."Yes, please!" said Matt, excitedly,Mrs. Potter gave Matt two potted (盆栽的) trees. She showed him how to care for the trees.Matt kept them on his balcony(阳台).One day, he saw something moving below the trees. It was a fat blackbird eating the berries of the trees! Matt smiled. He felt like he was living beside a forest again.11. What did Matt and his mum do in the forest A. They took a walk B. They planted trees.C. They drew a picture.D. They watered flowers.12. What does the underlined "that' in paragraph 2 refer to A. Spring was arriving.B.Mum got a new job.C. There was no forest around Matt's new home.D. There was no change in Matt’s life in the city.13. What can we learn about Mrs. Potter's home A. Her home was in the country.B.There were a lot of trees in her home.C. Her home was old and broken. D. There were many people living in her home.14. How did Mrs. Potter thank Matt A. By taking care of Matt. B. By giving Matt two treesC. By greeting Matt on her balcony. D. By carrying a pot to Matt’s home.15. How did Matt probably feel when he saw the blackbird A.TiredB.Lonely. C.RelaxedD.Happy.BWith more than 30 years of tireless effort, China finally made history in an international chess competition this year.On April 30, Ding Liren took the crown of the World Chess Championship(锦标赛). He beat the Russian player Ian Nepomniachtchi when the Russian made a serious mistake in the final match. Ding became the new world chess champion and also the first Chinese male (男子) player to win the title. His victory means that China now holds both the men's and women's world titles in chess. Before him, Xie Jun first won women's world title in 1991. From then on, Chinese chess players have made great progress on the world stage.As the 17th winner of the championship with a history of 137 years, Ding showed a gift for chess from an early age. Born in Wenzhou, the "chess city" of China, Ding began learning to play chess when he was little. At the age of five, he won his first national title. When he was seventeen, he beat several experienced masters to win the chess championship of China.Ding is called Silent Storm. He is a man of few words, with unusual skills of calculation. He often beats other players at lightning speed, while remaining calm. Although he has long been a big star in the chess world, he is humble (谦逊的). He learns from his mistakes and is always ready to talk about his problems. Ding hopes that after his big win, more and more young people in China will take an interest in chess.16. What can we learn from paragraph 27A. Ding Liren made a mistake in the final match.B. Xie Jun won men's World Chess Championship.C. Ding Liren made history as a Chinese chess player.D. Chinese chess players made little progress after 1991.17. In which year was the first World Chess Championship held A.1886. B.1961. C. 1993.D.2006.18. What is paragraph 3 mainly about A. The stories of Ding's life and family.B. The popularity of chess in Wenzhou.C. The history of the chess championship.D. The development of Ding's chess career.19. Which words best describe Ding Liren A. Quiet and smart.B. Proud and caringC. Active and helpful. D. Friendly and humorous.20. What is the best title for the passage A. Chinese Took a Greater Interest in ChessB. Ding Liren Became the New King of ChessC. Xie Jun and Ding Liren Brought Honour HomeD. Chinese Chess Players Have Worked Hard for LongCThere's no better way to start the holidays than with a holiday movie. The storylines of these movies are often silly, and easy to understand. The characters are not reasonable enough. The plot moves too fast to be realistic. Even so, the happy endings make you feel enjoyable. And as it turns out, there are reasons behind the joy you get from watching themHoliday movies are usually relaxing. Watching them is good for our physical health. According to a study published in 2020 in the book Nostalgia Now, holiday movies can lower stress hormones (荷尔蒙) and increase cardiovascular (心血管的) health because the movies are always full of fun.Holiday movies do more than just benefit our body. They can improve our mental (心理 的) health as well.Courtney Cope, a scientist, once said, "When it comes to holiday movies, we know they are always going to work out in the most positive way. It's a nice vacation from reality for our minds." In fact, when we are watching thesemovies, we imagine ourselves living in a perfect worldBesides, holiday movies enable us to see things in a new way, or feel encouraged to make a difference. We often see characters that we respect overcome all kinds of difficulties. The movies serve as a reminder that even in the worst of times, there is always hope.Moreover, most holiday movies are family-friendly. When we watch them with others, we create shared memories and strengthen relationships. The laughter and joking about an unrealistic movie create a positive bonding experience, which makes us feel closer and "home" for the holidays. The shared memories and experiences make the holidays more meaningful.21. What can we learn about holiday movies from paragraph 1 A. They tell realistic stories.B. The characters are clever.C. They have happy endingsD. The story lines are hard to follow.22. Why does the writer mention the study in paragraph 2 A. To bring up a new idea. B. To compare different facts.C. To call for further studies.D. To provide scientific support.23. What can we infer from Courtney Cope's words A. People enjoy going on vacation with family.B. The characters in the movies are role models.C. Our minds like the relaxing break from reality.D. Holiday movies remind us of the difficult times.24. What does the underlined word “Bonding” in paragraph 5 probably mean A. Working. B. WaitingC. LearningD. Connecting25. Which of the following best shows the structure of the text (P=Paragraph)第二节 阅读下面短文,从方框里的六个句子中选择五个还原到原文,使原文的意思连贯、完整。(共5小题,每小题2分)A. Fans have many advantages B. They also use less electricity. C. All air conditioners work similarly. D. That is why you need to stay near a fan while using it. E. In this situation, you'd better tum on an air conditioner. F. Many people have wondered: Which one is more useful A long heat wave hit Europe last summer. The temperature reached 40℃. While both electric fans and air conditioners can help beat the heat, a comparison between the two has never stopped.26In most cases, an electric fan is able to get the job done. 27_Most of them take no time to set up. They can be easily carried around in a room. Electric fans are much cheaper than air conditioners.28You could leave a fan running for 24 hours and still use less energy than two hours of air conditioningBut fans and air conditioners work in quite different ways. An electric fan doesn't cool the air in your home. It leaves you feeling cooler by moving the air around so that your sweat (汗) dries up faster. 29In comparison to fans, air conditioners can lower the temperature of the whole room. When you have your air conditioner on, you can feel its effect from wherever you stand.In short, electric fans can work wonders in summer and they are better for the environment. But turning on a fan doesn't make much difference when the temperature is above 35℃.30You should also use an air conditioner when you are sharing your room with others.第三节 下面的材料A~F 是六项与劳动课程有关的介绍。请根据Jack,Max,Lisa,Eddie,Jenny 五位同学的实际情况,为他们推荐合适的项目。(共5小题,每小题1.5分)A. Making Handicrafts(手工)Learn to make traditional handicrafts such as paper cuttings and Chinese knots (中国结) to make your home beautiful. It develops your hands-on skills.B. Doing CookingLearn different cooking skills to make delicious meals. Try to cook meals by yourself and share them with your family. It improves your life skills.C. Community Nursing Centre ServiceHelp the old people at the centre with dressing. Take them out for a walk and chat with them. You can help them develop a healthy lifestyle.D. Farming in the GardenPlant flowers, vegetables and fruit trees in the garden. You can get close to nature and learn more about plants and farming.E. Waste SeparationRecord the progress of the waste separation programme in the neighbourhood. You can help the government run this programme better.F. Job Shadowing (职业体验)Follow and learn from someone in their workplace for two weeks in the coming summer holiday. It may help you know more about your dream career31. Jack wants to prepare a big meal for his father on Father's Day.32. Max loves gardening. He also wants to learn how to grow vegetables.33. Lisa is a helpful girl. She wants to help look after the old in the community.34. Eddie is interested in engineering. He wants to experience the life of an engineer.35. Jenny wants to beautify her house with some traditional handicrafts during Chinese New Year.第二部分 非选择题(共25分)III.语法填空(10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题,每小题1分)As the Chinese saying goes,“Food is the first necessity (必需品) of the people.”Chinese people often greet each other by asking “Did you eat " instead 36"How are you " Chinese food culture has attracted many foreigners, including Fifa from Madagascar (马达加 斯加).On Fifa's37 (eleven) birthday, her parents took her to a local Chinese restaurant for dinner. The food there was so38(taste) that she asked her parents to take her there more often. Since then, Fifa has developed a deep love for Chinese food.In 2010, Fifa39 (come) to study in a Chinese university. For her, this was a great chance40 (discover) more about Chinese food. 'Over the past years, she has tried many 41(dish) and drinks from different places in China, such as hot dry noodles in Hubei and morning tea in Guangdong. She has found out 42 makes each area's cuisine (美食) special.In addition to the mouth-watering food, the cultural traditions behind it have also left 43deep impression on her. For example, in Guangdong, morning tea is not only about the snacks,44also about the valuable time people spend with their family and friends. Fifa said that she was 45 (real)amazed at how food could hold so much meaning. For her, it was an eye-opening experience that she would always remember.IV.书面表达(15分)假定你是李华。下周五,新西兰教育考察团将访问你校,了解学校“智慧校园”的建设情况。学校委托外教Mr.Brown在学生中招募志愿者来接待考察团。请你给Mr.Brown 写一封自荐信,内容包括:1.个人优势:①熟知“智慧校园”,如师生能在教室上网②乐于交流;③擅长英语: ④.......2.期待的收获:3.希望获得机会。注意:1.词数为80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数):2.要点齐全,可适当增加细节;3.不得出现真实姓名和校名4.条理清楚,语句通顺,意义连贯,书写规范。参考词汇:智慧校园Smart Campus 上网 surf the internetDear Mr. Brown,I am Li Hua. I am writing to apply to work as a volunteer to show the visitors fromNew Zealand around our campus.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Thank you.Yours, Li Hua深圳市2023年初中毕业生学业水平考试英语真题卷(答案)第一部分选择题(50分)一、完形填空:1-5题DCABD6-10题BACAD二、阅读理解:A篇11-15题:ACBBDB篇16-20题:CADABC篇21-25题:CDCDA短文填空26-30题:FABDE信息匹配31-35题:BDCFA第二部分非选择题(25分)》三、语法填空36.of37.eleventh38.tasty39.came40.to discover41.dishes42.What43.a44.but45.really四、书面表达参考范文1Dear Mr.Brown,I'm Li Hua.I am writing to apply to work as a volunteer.In my opinion,I'm qualified for the position.To begin with,SmartCampus is quite familiar to me.For instance,it brings much convenience toboth teachers and students like surfing on the Internet on campus.What'smore,I am fond of communicating with others and have a good commandof English,which surely contributes to effective communications.Finally,Ihave some related experience since I have worked as a volunteer severaltimes during junior high school.I sincerely hope that not only can I improve the ability to communicatewith others but also I can become more confident.I would appreciate it if Icould be given this valuable chance.Thank you.参考范文2Dear Mr.Brown,I'm writing to apply to work as a volunteer to show visitors from NewZealand around our Smart Campus.I believe I am suitable for the job withthe following advantages.To begin with,I am quite familiar with our Smart Campus wherestudents and teachers can do a lot of things more conveniently like surfing2023年真题movie create a positive bonding experience,which makes us feel eloser and "home"for theholidays.The shared memories and experiences make the holidays more meaningful.)21.What can we leam about holiday movies from Parngraph 1 A.They tell realistie storics.B.The characters arc clever.C.They have happy endingsD.The storylines are hard to follow.)22.Why does the writer mention the study in Paragraph 2 A.To bring up a new idea.B.To compare different facts.C.To call for further studies.D.To provide scientific support.)23.What can we infer from Courtney Cope's words A.People enjoy going on vacation with family.B3.The characters in the movies are role models.C.Our minds like the relaxing break from reality.D.Holiday movies remind us of the difficult times.)24.What does the underlined word"bonding"in Paragraph 5 probably mean A.Working.B.Waiting.C.【eamingD.Connecting.)25.Which of the following best shows the strueture of the text (P=Paragraph)P2P3P4P2P3P4P4P5BP2P3P4P2P5P3P4P5D第二节以下是一则短文,请侧读全文,并从下列方框里的六个句下中选择五个还原到原文中,使原文的意思完整、连贯,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编涂黑。(共5小题,5

